To install Partial font downloading utility for VMS make following: 1. Copy system independent file from distribution subdirectory 'lib' into any one directory (For example USER$PLUS:[MINUS]). 2. Copy system dependent files from distribution subdirectory 'vms' into the same directory. 3. Edit head of the file Have attension for following items: $ gs="$usr_local:[exe]gs.exe" It symbol which must call ghostscript interpreter. Not command file, which call interpreter ! $ define/nolog gs_path usr_local:[] This logical name must refer to directory with standard GhostScript library files. $ define/nolog font_path disk$et:[tex.newtex.xps],disk$et:[] This logical name must contains list of directories with fonts which are required by your documents. Note, that variable 'fload_lib' is determined automatically. However old versions of VMS system do not supports F$ENV("PROCEDURE") call. In this case you must correct definition of the 'fload_lib' variable. 4. SET DEFAULT USER$PLUS:[MINUS] 5. Issue command $ @INIT.COM This command will define symbols for calling commands 'fload' & 'subfont' 6. Issue command $ FLOAD -updatefontmap This command will scans all fonts in 'font_path' and build map. Map will be saved in file 'Fontmap.t1'. Currently installation is completed. System command 'DIR' must shows following : Directory USER$PLUS:[MINUS] 35.FS;1 2/4 27-JAN-1995 15:16:29.56 (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) CVTMAP.PS;1 1/4 27-JAN-1995 15:16:33.52 (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) FLOAD.COM;6 9/12 27-JAN-1995 16:37:13.91 (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) FONTMAP.T1;2 18/20 27-JAN-1995 16:37:22.75 (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) INIT.COM;2 1/4 27-JAN-1995 15:29:28.43 (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) INSTALL.TXT;1 6/8 27-JAN-1995 16:43:02.32 (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MAKE.COM;4 1/4 27-JAN-1995 15:39:38.98 (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) PSFSTAT.PS;3 26/28 27-JAN-1995 16:18:38.18 (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) STANDARD.FS;1 1/4 27-JAN-1995 15:16:32.87 (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) SUBFONT.EXE-ALPHA;2 94/96 27-JAN-1995 15:39:58.43 (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) SUBFONT.EXE-VAX;2 175/176 27-JAN-1995 15:41:01.54 (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) Total of 11 files, 333/360 blocks. To use program one must: 1. issue command $ @USER$PLUS:[MINUS]INIT.COM At start of him session. It will be more conviniently to add this line into user's 'LOGIN.COM'. 2. Issue command fload To make PS file with partially preloaded Type1 fonts. NOTE: Program will preloads only those fonts which are not in your source PS file. So, you must configurate your software so that it will write PS files without font preloading. Basil K. Malyshev, 27-Jan-1995.