CHANGES                                                        25.10.1993
                             ArabTeX Version 2
        (for information on newer versions see the file "changes.txt") 
25.10.93: Version 2.08 (not widely distributed)


	- all corrections in version 2.07 have been incorporated; there
 	  has been extensive rearrangement of code
	- all known bugs have been removed
	- some details in the manual have been rearranged; otherwise 
	  the manual is slightly out of date


	- \footnote in Arabic text now also works inside a minipage
	- more commands are valid inside Arabic text; a complete list
	  appears in the log file
	- see also versions 2.07a - d below

	How to move from version 2.0x, 0 <= x <= 7d:

	- install all files in the directory TEXINPUT anew
	- replace "arabdoc.tex", "arabdoc0.tex", "arabdoc.ind" in the
	  directory REPORT
	- leave the fonts alone

        How to move from version 1 (or none at all) to version 2.08:

        - Do as above; install the fonts "nash14" and "nash14bf" first
          according to local TeX conventions.
        - If the font "nash10" is still there, delete it.

01.07.93: Version 2.07d


	- "quoting" for <sukun> and <wasla> works now correctly.
	- <H> for silent <hah> in Persian works as described.


	- <j> instead of <^g> for <gim>, and <x> instead of <_h> for <hhah>
	  are now legal, but not recommended.

	If required, download the ASCII file "apatch.sty" again.

04.05.93: Version 2.07c


	- a modification that will usually prevent a known bug in Ml-TeX
	  from doing too much harm. May be ignored by non-Ml-TeX-users;
	  otherwise download the new version of "apatch.sty".

26.03.93: Version 2.07b

	New features:

	- The commands \smallskip, \medskip, \bigskip, \input filename
	  work also inside an arabic environment
	- <aa> works like <A>: <kaatib> is like <kAtib>.
	  There always was <iy> for <I>, <uw> for <U>.
	- Download the "apatch.sty" ASCII file again if you have already
	  installed the version 2.07.

25.03.93: Version 2.07a


	- There was a subtle interaction with the \tabular environment
	  which prevented printing of the user manual. 
	- Download the "apatch.sty" ASCII file again if you have already
	  installed the version 2.07.
	- The compressed versions have been corrected.

22.03.93: Version 2.07


        - ArabTeX is still free for scientific purposes, but we should 
          appreciate receiving an offprint of any publication produced 
          by using ArabTeX, for our collection. This does not apply to 
          any personal correspondence.


        - There have been extensive changes to all "*.sty" files.
        - Many minor errors have been fixed.
        - There is a new file "aedpatch.sty".
        - The tentative features of version 2.06 have been incorporated.
        - The command processing has been completely reworked and is 
          believed to be more robust.
        - The font has not changed.
        - The user manual has not yet been updated; visible changes are 

        New features:

        - ArabTeX is now compatible with the EDMAC package for critical 
          editions (see TUGboat 11/1, 623-643 (1990)). Just load ArabTeX 
          *after* loading EDMAC. The necessary extensions will be loaded 
          automatically via "aedpatch.sty".
        - All arguments of EDMAC commands are considered "Roman" text but 
          may contain arabic insertions.

        Changes and extensions:

        - Arabic insertions may now also contain commands.
        - Most Plain TeX or LaTeX commands that make sense in an arabic 
          environment are now allowed, as well as in arabic insertions.
        - Font, mode and size changing commands obey the normal grouping 
        - The commands \footnote and \marginpar work now both in Plain TeX 
          and LaTeX mode; observe the different calling conventions!
        - The \marginpar command inside arabic text works also with Plain 
          TeX, analogous to the LaTeX \marginpar command; marginal notes 
          always go to the right margin. If this feature is used, the user 
          may have to adjust the parameters \marginparwidth, \marginparsep, 
          and \hsize accordingly.
        - The new options \accentshigh and \accentslow influence the 
          positioning of the diacritical marks. \accentslow is the default.
        - The new options \oldtanwin and \newtanwin influence the position 
          of <tanwin fa.tha>: on the last consonant or on the final <alif> 
          if applicable. Defaults are language dependent.
        - A group of arabic words can be emphasized by overlining; this is 
          effected by \emphasize {arabic words}.
        - A group of arabic words, if enclosed in curly braces, is not
          split across a line boundary.
        - A final silent <hah> in Persian can be denoted <h>, <H>, or <T>.

        Known problems:

        - None at present.

        How to move from versions 2.05 - 2.06 to version 2.07:

        - Replace all "*.sty" files
        - The fonts "nash14" and "nash14bf" are unchanged.

        How to move from versions 2.00 - 2.04 to version 2.07:

        - As above; add the manual files "arabdoc*.*" in the directory 
          "report" and process them to get the User Manual.

        How to move from version 1 (or none at all) to version 2.07:

        - Do as above; install the fonts "nash14" and "nash14bf" first
          according to local TeX conventions.
        - If the font "nash10" is still there, delete it.

02.12.92: Version 2.06


        - This is an experimental version processing some Persian
          features differently; otherwise identical to version 2.05.
        - This version is NOT part of the packages "" and
          "arabtex.tar.Z"; instead there are additional ASCII files 
          "apatch25.sty", "apatch26.sty", and "arab2-06.doc". Thus
          installing it does not destroy a working version 2.05.
        - This version has not been extensively tested.
        - Moving back and forth between versions 2.05 and 2.06 is easy.

        - For details: see the file "arab2-06.doc".

05.11.92: Version 2.05


        - There is a new User Manual "arabdoc.tex" in the subdirectory
          "report". It contains many examples for the use of ArabTeX;
          some of them also show several small extensions for special
          cases which are not otherwise documented, but supported.
        - The new User Manual is in ArabTeX format for local printing,
          so it serves at the same time as an extensive installation test.
          A hard-copy version is available on request; write to the author
          and enclose DM 10 (outside of Europe US$ 10) to cover printing
          and mailing expenses. For additional DM 5 (US$ 5) you can also
          get the software on diskette (please indicate computer system,
          TeX implementation version, and desired diskette format).
        - The "*.sty" files have been updated so that the system works
          (apparently) exactly as described in the User Manual; some small
          bugs that have shown up in the meantime have been fixed.

        Changes and extensions:

        - The vowel marks, if shown, are now positioned at about the same
          height from the baseline.
        - Arabic words can be emphasized by overlining.
        - A group of arabic words, if enclosed in curly braces, is not
          split across a line boundary.
        - A final mute "hah" in Persian can be denoted <h>, <H>, or <T>.

        How to move from versions 2.00 - 2.04 to version 2.05:

        - Replace all "*.sty" files
        - Add the manual files "arabdoc*.*" in the directory "report" and
          process them to get the new User Manual.
        - The fonts "nash14" and "nash14bf" are unchanged.

        How to move from version 1 (or none at all) to version 2.05:

        - Do as above; install the fonts "nash14" and "nash14bf" first
          according to local TeX conventions.
        - If the font "nash10" is still there, delete it.

        Known problems:

        - The non-arabic language modes have not been extensively tested.
        - The text file "arabtex.doc" can be used as a first introduction,
          but does not describe all features. For full details, see the
          User Manual.

05.08.92: Version 2.04 

        Status and fixes: 

        - see also Version 2.03 below
        - "awrite.sty" has been extensively restructured to ease
          further maintenance
        - the storage utilization is somewhat better, the running time 
          is about the same as with version 2.02

        Changes: only format and contents of THIS file

        How to move from version 2.02:

        - replace aparse.sty, awrite.sty, aligs.sty
          or: reinstall all *.sty files if that is easier
        - the font has NOT changed, leave it alone

        How to move from version 2.00:

        - replace all *.sty files, including "apatch.sty" (new)
        - the font has NOT changed, leave it alone
        - there is a new demo for Farsi: "omar.tex"

01.08.92: Version 2.03 (not distributed)

        Status and fixes: 

        - a rare but grave bug has been fixed; it made ArabTeX explode
          on <sa'AmaTuN> and a few related words.
        - to fix the bug, the internal interface of "aparse.sty",
          "awrite.sty", and "aligs.sty" had to be altered drastically.

        Changes: none

03.05.92: Version 2.02

        Status and fixes: 

        - there have been extensive changes to nearly all "*.sty" files
        - the Nasta'liq font is still missing; sorry, but at the moment 
          there is no free time to design it. For the meantime, Naskh will 
          be substituted automatically, and should be readable. 
        - the problem with ^ and _ has been fixed; they now work correctly 
          in all modes 
        - the <~n> problem has been fixed 
        - the prefix <li-> before <alif> with <hamza> below now works, as 
          e.g. in <li-'ism> 
        - short Arabic quotations may be used in moving arguments in 
          LaTeX, e.g. section names, frameboxes, captions, margin notes 
          and the like 
        - Farsi and related languages: <izafet> and <yah-i-wahdat> now 
          seem to work correctly.


        - in Farsi and related languages, the final <hah> after <a> and 
          <e> is NO MORE generated automatically; you have to write it 
          explicitly if you want it. THIS IS NO BUG: the old strategy was 
          found to be inconsistent. 
        - the additional option \showtrue will echo the ASCII input
          verbatim; \showfalse will switch this mode off again. This
          feature is intended for test purposes; it might not work in all
          contexts, and could disappear again.
        - there is a new file "apatch.sty" which is loaded automatically
          and will contain last minute corrections (none at the moment)    

        Open problems:

        - see "bugs" and "fixes" below


        - with LaTeX, the option "arabtex" should ONLY be followed by its 
          local sub-options like "nashbf" or "atrans"; put other options 
          BEFORE it and DON'T define any own commands that use "<"; use 
          ">" instead. 
        - with Plain TeX, define your own macros BEFORE "\input arabtex".

        How to move from version 2.00 or 2.01:

        - replace all *.sty files, including "apatch.sty" (new)
        - the font has NOT changed, leave it alone
        - there is a new demo for Farsi: "omar.tex"

15.04.92: Version 2.01 (was available on direct request)
        Status and fixes:

        - Temporary patch for the ^ and _ problem (thanks, Bernd Raichle!)
          but still does not work in moving arguments

        More known bugs:

        - \footnote does not work (we never promised it would, but will 
          think about it) 
        - \footnotemark may put the mark into unexpected places if used 
          within an Arabic Environment; however:
          \footnotetext works outside Arabic Environments even with Arabic
          text in angle brackets
        - the prefix <li-> as in <li-'ism> will produce garbage
        - <~n> will blow up

        How to get the version: DON'T, this version is obsolete

10.04.92: Version 2.0

        Version 2.00 is here at last. See "README".

        Changes from version 1:

        - now compatible with Plain TeX
        - new (hopefully) better looking font
        - many ligatures generated automatically
        - support for Farsi, Urdu, Pashto, Ottoman, Maghribi
        - some more documentation
        - the input coding has changed slightly

        Implementation status:

        - all macro files have version number 2.00
        - only fonts nash14 and nash14bf, no nasta`liq font yet available
        - ArabTeX was developed on a PC AT with emTeX and is known also to 
          run on a PC XT and a U*IX work station; therefore it is 
          supposed to be easily portable
        - language options other than Arabic have not been extensively 

        Known bugs:

        - control sequences inside of curly braces do not work
        - arabic insertions may still be started with <
        - < is an active character and may conflict with the user's macros
        - ^ and _ do not work correctly in math environments
        - some troubles with <izafet> in Farsi

    Prof. Klaus Lagally
    Institut fuer Informatik
    Universitaet Stuttgart
    Breitwiesenstrasse 20-22
    D-70565 Stuttgart
    FAX: +49 - 711 - 7816 370
	Copyright (c) 1990 - 1997, Klaus Lagally