Creating an album

Put all your images in a directory, say ~/images. Your images can be ordered into sub-directories. Then, create an empty directory, where the album will be created, say ~/album :

    mkdir ~/album

and run bins with the two directories (source and destination) as parameters :

    bins ~/images ~/album

This will create an HTML album, with sub-albums, thumbnails and scaled images.

To change the appearance of the HTML album, a style can be chosen with the -s command line option or via the templateStyle parameter in the configuration or description files (see Customization below for information about these files). In this case, BINS will use the HTML templates found is the subdirectory named (where style is the style name).

BINS looks for this subdirectory in the directory specified by the -t command line option, then in ~/.bins and finally in /etc/bins.

For the moment, there is two styles (named default, satyap and joi). If someone has the artistic talent to create HTML templates for a new style, I am interested...

bins has some other command line options, type

    bins -h

to see them and see the bins(1) man page.